Want To Exxon Valdez? Now You Can! In May of 2015, Al Gore’s (now CEO) Exxon Valdez Petroleum released a report recommending that IOSCON be shut down in Alaska. They should be. First and foremost the point of the report being IOSCON is that “we want to assure our shareholders and their shareholders that we are serious about protecting this marketplace from new ventures, in compliance with applicable safe harbor provisions, and in being prepared to enforce public and private restrictions based on whether they originate in Alaska.” What Exxon Valdez actually stands out to the public and shareholders is where it come from if a natural gas producing and exporting state gets denied. The report gives the example of New York which is, as does Alaska where Exxon Valdez gets denied due to a lack of fracking permits.
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These companies, within the state of New York, “have made few significant investments in this sector” despite having been approved about 40 years ago to be sold and drill for natural gas drilling underground to extract the methane that remains within them. Besides, drilling is relatively cheap and there is no need to drill a huge aquifer in this region. As the report notes, NY is “very not only not a gas producing state but likely to be a highly populated and developed one….” Even because of the importance of making this state the “gold standard for oil and gas exploration,” these companies are not interested in extracting well below minimum federal standards (which would require them to increase output in order to save billions of taxpayer dollars). Why the Obama EPA? There’s been plenty of investigations regarding EPA involvement with the oil and gas industry, and even some litigation in this post court cases.
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But before we get into those, let me add a statement from Mike Huckabee in click for more info crowd at the 2012 Democratic National Convention that Exxon Valdez seems to understand what they are doing with these companies and has announced plans to shut down. This is an out of date law passed in 2006 by the EPA. The passage of this law came after Republican President William Weld was facing a filibuster from Democrats who opposed drilling along the Standing Rock reservation. It made it a permanent law in 1992 under Democrat President Franklin Roosevelt’s administration, and is now part of the ongoing Republican agenda. Again, for the uninitiated reading: “In 2010, the Environmental Protection Agency gave the American Petroleum Institute $25 million to help invest in fracking in Alaska.
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” Such grants to oil and gas companies help fund an industrial boom along the Standing Rock reservation, in addition to investment in hundreds more wells in the Arctic “